Residential Sublease Agreement
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I restrict what alterations the Subtenant is allowed to make to the property?
Yes, the Sublandlord can determine the extent to which the Subtenant can make alterations. The Sublandlord may reduce the Subtenant's right to make improvements from the level established for the Sublandlord in the Master Lease, but the Sublandlord cannot increase the Subtenant's right to make alterations beyond the level outlined in the Master Lease.
What is a check-in inspection form?
The check-in inspection form is completed by the Subtenant within a reasonable amount of time after the Subtenant takes possession of the property.
This form contains a description of the condition of the property at the time of the Subtenant's possession, and will be used at the end of the Sublease Agreement term as a comparison tool to determine if the Subtenant caused any damage to the property.
How many days should the Subtenant be given to complete a check-in inspection form?
There is no statutory minimum amount of time, but the Sublandlord should give the Subtenant a reasonable amount of time. Depending on the circumstances under which the Subtenant will take possession, a reasonable period of time would likely be between 7 and 30 days.
Do I need to add the Landlord's Consent to Sublease?
The Landlord's Consent to Sublease should only be included in the Sublease Agreement if the Landlord has not previously provided written consent to the Sublease Agreement.
When should I include an additional clause?
You should include an additional clause if there are any terms or issues unique to your situation that have not been addressed in the questionnaire.
How should I write my clause?
In order to reduce confusion, write your clauses with plain language and limit them to one paragraph in length. Also, use any predefined terms such as Subtenant, Property, Sublandlord, etc. in your clauses.